Top 12 Molecular Biologist Skills to Put on Your Resume

In the competitive field of molecular biology, crafting a standout resume is essential for showcasing your expertise and securing your dream job. Highlighting a well-rounded set of skills that encompasses both technical proficiency and soft skills can significantly enhance your appeal to potential employers, setting you apart in this rapidly evolving discipline.

Top 12 Molecular Biologist Skills to Put on Your Resume

Molecular Biologist Skills

  1. PCR
  2. QRT-PCR
  3. CRISPR-Cas9
  4. Western Blotting
  5. Flow Cytometry
  6. NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing)
  7. ELISA
  8. RNA-seq
  9. Gel Electrophoresis
  10. Microscopy (Confocal)
  11. Bioinformatics
  12. Mass Spectrometry

1. PCR

PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction, is a molecular technique used to amplify specific DNA sequences, enabling detailed analysis and study of genetic material.

Why It's Important

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is crucial for molecular biologists as it enables the exponential amplification of specific DNA sequences, facilitating their detailed study, manipulation, and diagnostic analysis.

How to Improve PCR Skills

Improving PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) involves optimizing several key components and conditions to enhance efficiency, specificity, and yield. Here are concise strategies:

  1. Template DNA Quality: Ensure high-quality, contaminant-free DNA. Use methods like phenol-chloroform extraction or commercial kits for purification.
  2. Primer Design: Design primers with an optimal melting temperature (Tm) around 50-60°C, avoiding secondary structures or dimers. Tools like Primer3 can help.
  3. Magnesium Concentration: Adjust MgCl2 concentration, typically between 1.5 to 2.5 mM, as it affects enzyme activity and specificity.
  4. Annealing Temperature: Optimize based on primer Tm, usually 3-5°C below the Tm. Use a gradient PCR to find the ideal temperature.
  5. Extension Time: Set according to the target length, usually 1 minute per 1kb of target DNA.
  6. Hot-Start PCR: Use hot-start enzymes to reduce non-specific amplification by activating the polymerase at a higher temperature.
  7. DMSO or Formamide: Add these additives in small percentages to improve amplification of GC-rich templates.
  8. Cycle Number: Limit to 25-35 cycles to avoid non-specific amplification and PCR artifacts.

For further reading and detailed protocols, consult resources like NEB's PCR Optimization Guide and Sigma-Aldrich's PCR Troubleshooting Guide.

How to Display PCR Skills on Your Resume

How to Display PCR Skills on Your Resume


QRT-PCR, or Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR, is a molecular biology technique that combines reverse transcription of RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) followed by quantitative PCR amplification, allowing for the quantification of specific RNA molecules.

Why It's Important

QRT-PCR is crucial for molecular biologists as it allows for the rapid and sensitive quantification of gene expression levels, enabling the study of gene function, regulation, and the impact of genetic variations.

How to Improve QRT-PCR Skills

Improving qRT-PCR involves optimizing several steps to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Here's a concise guide:

  1. Design Primers Carefully: Use software like Primer3 to design specific primers that minimize primer-dimer formation and nonspecific amplification.
  2. Optimize Reaction Components: Adjust concentrations of magnesium chloride, primers, and dNTPs. Thermo Fisher's guidelines can help in optimization.
  3. Use High-Quality RNA: Ensure RNA integrity by assessing it on a Bioanalyzer or similar. Treat samples with DNase to remove genomic DNA contamination.
  4. Efficient Reverse Transcription: Use a high-quality reverse transcriptase and consider random hexamers for more comprehensive cDNA synthesis. Promega's Reverse Transcription System is a good starting point.
  5. Optimize Annealing Temperature: Perform a gradient PCR to find the optimal annealing temperature for your primers.
  6. Validate Efficiency: Perform a standard curve analysis with serial dilutions of your template to ensure the efficiency of your qRT-PCR reaction is between 90% and 110%.
  7. Include Controls: Use no-template controls (NTCs), no-reverse-transcription controls (NRTs), and positive controls to validate your experiment.
  8. Data Analysis: Use appropriate software like qbase+ for data analysis to account for efficiency and reference gene normalization.

For detailed protocols and troubleshooting, refer to the MIQE guidelines, which provide comprehensive best practices for qRT-PCR experiments.

How to Display QRT-PCR Skills on Your Resume

How to Display QRT-PCR Skills on Your Resume

3. CRISPR-Cas9

CRISPR-Cas9 is a genome editing tool that allows for precise, directed modification of the DNA sequence in an organism's genome. It utilizes a guide RNA to target a specific DNA sequence, where the Cas9 enzyme introduces breaks, enabling editing through natural DNA repair mechanisms.

Why It's Important

CRISPR-Cas9 is important because it provides a precise, efficient, and versatile method for genome editing, enabling targeted modifications to DNA sequences, crucial for understanding gene function, disease modeling, and developing genetic therapies.

How to Improve CRISPR-Cas9 Skills

Improving CRISPR-Cas9 efficiency and specificity involves several strategies tailored for molecular biologists:

  1. Cas9 Protein Engineering: Modify the Cas9 enzyme to enhance its specificity and reduce off-target effects. Techniques include creating high-fidelity Cas9 variants (source).
  2. Guide RNA (gRNA) Optimization: Design gRNAs with improved specificity by using software tools that predict off-target effects and gRNA efficacy (CRISPOR).
  3. Cas9 Delivery Methods: Enhance delivery efficiency by using nanoparticles, adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), or lipid nanoparticles (source).
  4. Temporal Control: Use inducible Cas9 systems where Cas9 activity is controlled by light (optogenetics) or chemical inducers, allowing precise temporal control over gene editing events.
  5. Multiplexing: Simultaneously edit multiple genomic sites by using CRISPR arrays with multiple gRNAs to target different genes, improving the efficiency of complex genetic modifications (source).
  6. Anti-CRISPR Proteins: Utilize naturally occurring anti-CRISPR proteins to regulate Cas9 activity post-delivery, enhancing safety by reducing unintended gene editing (source).
  7. Prime Editing: Consider using prime editing, a newer technology that offers precise editing without double-strand breaks, potentially reducing unintended outcomes (source).

By integrating these strategies, molecular biologists can significantly improve CRISPR-Cas9 applications in research and therapeutic contexts.

How to Display CRISPR-Cas9 Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRISPR-Cas9 Skills on Your Resume

4. Western Blotting

Western blotting is a molecular biology technique used for the detection and quantification of specific proteins in a sample. It involves separating proteins by gel electrophoresis, transferring them to a membrane, and then probing with antibodies specific to the target protein.

Why It's Important

Western blotting is essential for molecular biologists as it enables the detection and quantification of specific proteins from complex mixtures, allowing for the analysis of protein expression, modifications, and interactions.

How to Improve Western Blotting Skills

Improving Western Blotting involves optimizing several key steps:

  1. Sample Preparation: Ensure protein concentration is appropriate. Use a reliable method like BCA assay for quantification.
  2. Gel Electrophoresis: Choose the right gel percentage based on protein size. For detailed guidance, refer to Bio-Rad's recommendations.
  3. Protein Transfer: Opt for either wet or semi-dry transfer based on protein size and equipment. Ensure efficient transfer by following Thermo Fisher's guidelines.
  4. Blocking and Antibody Incubation: Use an appropriate blocking agent (e.g., BSA or milk) to reduce non-specific binding. Optimize antibody concentrations and incubation times. Abcam's protocols offer useful tips.
  5. Detection: Choose between colorimetric, chemiluminescent, and fluorescent methods, considering sensitivity and equipment. Learn about detection methods at LI-COR Biosciences.
  6. Reproducibility and Controls: Include appropriate controls and ensure reproducibility by standardizing protocols. For more on this, Nature's guide is a good resource.

By meticulously optimizing each step and adhering to proven protocols, you can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your Western Blot results.

How to Display Western Blotting Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Western Blotting Skills on Your Resume

5. Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry is a technology used to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of particles in a fluid as it passes through at least one laser. Molecular biologists utilize it to measure and analyze multiple properties of individual cells, including size, complexity, and various biomarkers, facilitating detailed studies of cellular populations and functions.

Why It's Important

Flow cytometry is important for molecular biologists because it enables rapid, multi-parametric analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of cells or particles, allowing for detailed study of cellular processes, identification of specific cell populations, and analysis of gene expression patterns at the single-cell level.

How to Improve Flow Cytometry Skills

Improving flow cytometry involves optimizing sample preparation, staining protocols, and instrument settings, alongside data analysis techniques. Here's a concise guide:

  1. Sample Preparation: Ensure cells are in single-cell suspension, free of clumps. Utilize cell strainers if necessary. Proper fixation and permeabilization, when needed, are crucial for intracellular staining. Sample Preparation Guide
  2. Staining Protocols: Use titrated antibodies to avoid non-specific binding and background noise. Include appropriate controls such as unstained, single-stained, and fluorescence-minus-one (FMO) controls for compensation and gating accuracy. Staining Protocol Tips
  3. Instrument Settings: Calibrate the flow cytometer regularly. Optimize voltage settings for each fluorochrome to ensure distinct populations. Use compensation controls to correct spectral overlap between channels. Instrument Optimization
  4. Data Analysis: Utilize software tools for advanced data analysis. Apply proper gating strategies to identify populations of interest accurately. Employ statistical analysis to interpret the data meaningfully. Data Analysis Best Practices

For molecular biologists looking to delve deeper into flow cytometry improvements, further exploring each area's specific techniques and advancements will be beneficial.

How to Display Flow Cytometry Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Flow Cytometry Skills on Your Resume

6. NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing)

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a high-throughput methodology that enables rapid sequencing of large stretches of DNA or RNA, surpassing the capabilities of traditional Sanger sequencing. It allows for the comprehensive analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and epigenomes, facilitating discoveries in molecular biology, genetics, and beyond.

Why It's Important

NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) is crucial for molecular biologists as it allows for rapid, high-throughput analysis of genetic material, enabling detailed understanding of genetic variations, gene expression patterns, and molecular mechanisms underlying biological processes and diseases.

How to Improve NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) Skills

Improving Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) involves enhancing sample preparation, sequencing technology, data analysis, and interpretation. For a Molecular Biologist, consider the following strategies:

  1. Sample Preparation: Optimize DNA/RNA extraction and library preparation to ensure high-quality, representative samples. Use kits and protocols designed for your sample type and target application. Illumina's sample preparation guide offers comprehensive insights.
  2. Sequencing Technology: Stay updated with the latest sequencing platforms and choose the one that best suits your research goals in terms of read length, accuracy, throughput, and cost. Compare NGS platforms to find the right fit.
  3. Data Analysis: Use robust bioinformatics tools and pipelines for accurate data processing, alignment, variant calling, and analysis. Continuously update bioinformatics skills and explore new tools. Galaxy provides an accessible platform for complex NGS data analysis.
  4. Interpretation and Validation: Apply stringent criteria for data interpretation, and validate findings using orthogonal methods (e.g., qPCR, Sanger sequencing). Engage in collaborations or consultations with bioinformatics experts for complex data interpretation.
  5. Continuous Learning: Stay informed about new techniques, software, and best practices in NGS through scientific literature, workshops, and conferences. Websites like NCBI Insights and Nature Methods are valuable resources for updates in methodologies and technologies.

By focusing on these areas, Molecular Biologists can enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and relevance of their NGS projects.

How to Display NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) Skills on Your Resume


ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is a plate-based assay technique designed for detecting and quantifying soluble substances such as peptides, proteins, antibodies, and hormones. In molecular biology, it is commonly used for the specific detection and quantification of target biomolecules through antigen-antibody interactions, with an enzyme-linked detection system producing a measurable signal.

Why It's Important

ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is crucial for molecular biologists as it allows for sensitive, specific, and quantitative detection of proteins, hormones, antibodies, and antigens in samples, facilitating the study of cellular signaling, immune responses, and disease diagnosis.

How to Improve ELISA Skills

Improving an ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) involves optimizing several key parameters to enhance sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility. Here's a concise guide:

  1. Antibody Quality: Use high-affinity and high-specificity antibodies. Consider custom antibodies if commercial ones don't meet needs (
  2. Coating Buffer: Optimize the coating buffer pH and ionic strength for maximal immobilization of the capture antibody (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
  3. Blocking: Select an appropriate blocking agent to minimize non-specific binding. BSA, casein, and serum are common choices (Bio-Rad).
  4. Sample and Reagent Dilution: Dilute samples and reagents properly to fall within the assay’s linear range, optimizing sensitivity and specificity (Abcam).
  5. Incubation Times and Temperatures: Optimize incubation times and temperatures for each step. Longer incubations may increase signal but can also increase background (Sigma-Aldrich).
  6. Washing: Use an adequate washing protocol to remove unbound components. The number of washes and the composition of the washing buffer can significantly impact background (Sigma-Aldrich).
  7. Detection and Substrates: Choose the most suitable substrate for the detection method (colorimetric, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent), considering sensitivity and dynamic range (Promega).
  8. Plate Type: Use high-quality, assay-specific microplates to reduce variability and improve binding efficiency (Greiner Bio-One).
  9. Data Analysis: Apply appropriate curve-fitting and statistical analysis methods to accurately interpret the results (GraphPad).
  10. Pilot Studies: Conduct pilot studies to refine these parameters before proceeding to larger experiments.

By thoroughly optimizing these aspects, you can significantly enhance the performance of your ELISA assays.

How to Display ELISA Skills on Your Resume

How to Display ELISA Skills on Your Resume

8. RNA-seq

RNA-seq (RNA sequencing) is a high-throughput sequencing technique used to quantify, profile, and identify RNA molecules in a sample, providing insights into gene expression, alternative splicing, and post-transcriptional modifications.

Why It's Important

RNA-seq is critical for molecular biologists as it enables the comprehensive quantification and identification of all RNA molecules in a sample, allowing for the analysis of gene expression patterns, identification of novel transcripts, and insights into regulatory mechanisms at a molecular level.

How to Improve RNA-seq Skills

Improving RNA-seq involves optimizing various steps from sample preparation to data analysis to enhance the quality, accuracy, and interpretability of the results. Here's a very short and concise guide:

  1. Sample Quality: Ensure high-quality RNA input by assessing purity and integrity using spectrophotometry and gel electrophoresis. Consider using kits for RNA extraction and purification optimized for your sample type.
  2. Library Preparation: Opt for library preparation kits that minimize bias. Use ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion for non-poly(A) RNA or poly(A) selection for mRNA to increase the coverage of coding RNA or specific transcripts of interest. Illumina Library Prep
  3. Sequencing Depth: Choose an appropriate sequencing depth based on your goals; deeper sequencing for low-abundance transcripts or discovery-oriented projects. NCBI Sequencing Depth Guide
  4. Quality Control (QC): Use tools like FastQC to evaluate the quality of raw sequencing reads, trimming adapters, and filtering low-quality reads to improve downstream analysis. FastQC
  5. Alignment and Quantification: Select an appropriate aligner (e.g., STAR for speed, HISAT2 for efficiency) and quantification tool (e.g., featureCounts, HTSeq) that matches your experimental design and research needs. Consider using pseudoalignment tools (e.g., kallisto, Salmon) for faster, memory-efficient processing. STAR GitHub, HISAT2, kallisto, Salmon
  6. Normalization and Differential Expression: Apply appropriate normalization methods (e.g., TPM, FPKM, or TMM) to account for library size and composition effects. Use statistical packages (e.g., DESeq2, edgeR) designed for RNA-seq data to identify differentially expressed genes accurately. DESeq2, edgeR
  7. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Incorporate pathway and gene ontology analysis using tools like GSEA or DAVID to understand the biological significance of your results. GSEA, DAVID
  8. Technical Replicates and Biological Replicates: Increase the number of biological replicates to improve the power and reproducibility of your study. Consider technical replicates if variability in library preparation or sequencing is a concern.

Optimizing these steps tailored to your specific project needs can significantly improve the quality and reliability of RNA-seq data, enhancing the depth of biological insights gained.

How to Display RNA-seq Skills on Your Resume

How to Display RNA-seq Skills on Your Resume

9. Gel Electrophoresis

Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate DNA, RNA, or protein molecules based on their size and charge, by applying an electric field to a gel matrix, enabling molecular analysis and purification.

Why It's Important

Gel electrophoresis is crucial for molecular biologists as it allows for the separation, identification, and purification of DNA, RNA, and proteins based on their size and charge, facilitating the analysis of genetic material and protein composition in various research and diagnostic applications.

How to Improve Gel Electrophoresis Skills

To improve gel electrophoresis, consider the following concise strategies:

  1. Optimize Gel Concentration: Adjust the acrylamide concentration for protein gels (SDS-PAGE) or agarose concentration for DNA/RNA gels to resolve the sizes of molecules of interest more effectively.
  2. Buffer System: Use an appropriate buffer system (e.g., TAE or TBE for agarose gels) to ensure optimal resolution and DNA integrity. More details on buffer choices can be found here.
  3. Gel Casting and Handling: Ensure bubble-free gel casting and uniform thickness to avoid inconsistent results. Utilize gel casting tips from Bio-Rad.
  4. Sample Preparation: Properly prepare samples, including quantification and use of loading dyes, to improve visibility and tracking during electrophoresis. Guidelines are available here.
  5. Voltage and Running Time: Adjust the voltage and electrophoresis time according to the gel type and size of the molecules being separated. Running the gel too fast can lead to band smearing, while too slow can result in diffusion. Sigma Aldrich offers a guide on this.
  6. Staining Techniques: Use sensitive and appropriate staining techniques for protein or nucleic acid visualization. Ethidium bromide is common for DNA, but safer alternatives and protein stains like Coomassie Blue or silver stain offer different sensitivities and are discussed here.
  7. Gel Documentation: Utilize a high-quality gel documentation system to capture clear images of your results. This guide from Bio-Rad can help in choosing the right system.

For a molecular biologist, these strategies are foundational to obtaining reproducible and high-quality results from gel electrophoresis experiments.

How to Display Gel Electrophoresis Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Gel Electrophoresis Skills on Your Resume

10. Microscopy (Confocal)

Confocal microscopy is a high-resolution imaging technique that allows molecular biologists to obtain sharp, three-dimensional images of specimens by using a spatial pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus light in specimens that are thicker than the focal plane. This method is extensively used to visualize and quantify the spatial distribution of molecules within cells and tissues.

Why It's Important

Confocal microscopy is crucial for molecular biologists as it allows for high-resolution imaging of specific molecules within cells and tissues in 3D, enabling detailed analysis of cellular structures, processes, and interactions at the molecular level.

How to Improve Microscopy (Confocal) Skills

Improving confocal microscopy, especially for molecular biologists, involves enhancing image resolution, contrast, and sample preparation. Here are concise tips:

  1. Enhance Resolution: Use super-resolution techniques such as STED or SIM to break the diffraction limit, offering finer detail.
  2. Improve Contrast: Employ fluorescent dyes or proteins with high photostability and brightness for better contrast.
  3. Optimal Sample Preparation: Ensure optimal fixation and sectioning to preserve morphology and antigenicity, enhancing imaging quality.
  4. Use Advanced Software: Implement image analysis software for image deconvolution and 3D reconstruction to extract maximum information from your data.
  5. Regular Calibration: Regularly calibrate your microscope to ensure accuracy and repeatability of measurements.

By focusing on these areas, molecular biologists can significantly improve the quality and informative value of their confocal microscopy studies.

How to Display Microscopy (Confocal) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Microscopy (Confocal) Skills on Your Resume

11. Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is the application of computational techniques to analyze, interpret, and visualize biological data, particularly genetic and genomic information, aiding in understanding molecular processes and systems.

Why It's Important

Bioinformatics is crucial for molecular biologists as it enables the analysis and interpretation of complex biological data, such as DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. This allows for the identification of genes, understanding of cellular processes, and the discovery of molecular markers for disease, significantly advancing research and applications in genetics, genomics, and personalized medicine.

How to Improve Bioinformatics Skills

Improving your bioinformatics skills as a molecular biologist involves a blend of enhancing your computational knowledge, understanding bioinformatics tools and databases, and keeping abreast of the latest developments in the field. Here's a concise guide to get you started:

  1. Strengthen Computational Skills: Start with learning the basics of programming languages relevant to bioinformatics, such as Python or R. Codecademy and DataCamp offer interactive courses that are beginner-friendly.
  2. Understand Bioinformatics Databases and Tools: Familiarize yourself with key databases like NCBI, EMBL-EBI, and tools like BLAST, for sequence analysis. ExPASy is another valuable resource for tools and databases in proteomics.
  3. Stay Updated with Literature: Reading current bioinformatics literature is crucial. Journals like Bioinformatics and Nucleic Acids Research offer the latest research findings and methodologies.
  4. Join a Community: Engage with online forums and communities such as BioStars or SEQanswers to exchange knowledge, solve problems, and network with professionals.
  5. Attend Workshops and Courses: Look for workshops, webinars, and courses offered by universities and research institutions. Coursera and edX provide online courses in bioinformatics from top institutions.
  6. Apply Knowledge to Real Projects: Practical experience is invaluable. Work on projects that require bioinformatics solutions, either through your research or by contributing to open-source projects.

By following these steps and continually practicing and applying your skills, you can significantly improve your proficiency in bioinformatics.

How to Display Bioinformatics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Bioinformatics Skills on Your Resume

12. Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique used to identify and quantify molecules by ionizing them and measuring their mass-to-charge ratios, providing detailed information on molecular structure, composition, and purity. This is particularly useful in molecular biology for analyzing proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules.

Why It's Important

Mass spectrometry is crucial for molecular biologists because it allows for the precise identification and quantification of molecules, including proteins and metabolites, facilitating the understanding of cellular functions and disease mechanisms at the molecular level.

How to Improve Mass Spectrometry Skills

Improving mass spectrometry involves enhancing sensitivity, resolution, and accuracy. For a molecular biologist, consider focusing on these key areas:

  1. Sample Preparation: Optimize sample preparation to increase the purity and concentration of analytes. Techniques like liquid chromatography can help separate compounds before analysis. Sample Preparation Techniques for Mass Spectrometry.
  2. Ionization Methods: Choose the most suitable ionization technique (e.g., ESI, MALDI) based on your sample type and analytical goals. Each method has its strengths and limitations. Ionization Techniques in Mass Spectrometry.
  3. Mass Analyzers: Utilize high-resolution mass analyzers (e.g., Orbitrap, FT-ICR) to improve mass accuracy and resolution. Understanding the capabilities of different analyzers can guide you to the most appropriate choice for your application. Mass Analyzers in Mass Spectrometry.
  4. Data Analysis Software: Leverage advanced data analysis software for more accurate peak identification and quantitation. Software tools can significantly improve the interpretation of complex mass spectra. Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis.
  5. Instrument Maintenance: Regular maintenance and calibration of the mass spectrometer ensure consistent performance and accuracy. Mass Spectrometer Maintenance Guide.

By focusing on these areas, molecular biologists can enhance the performance of mass spectrometry for their specific research needs.